It is Ok to be not Ok

“It is ok. It will get better.”

I have heard this from so many well-meaning people that it now grates on my nerves. Almost like a chain saw going in slow mo. Why do we make such a huge hue and cry about being Ok all the time? Why do we shun being not Ok? Why is it such a big deal? What if I like being not Ok?

I have no answers to all these questions that do a merry-dance in my head space. 23 hours a day. What happens in that remaining 1 hour, you ask? Eyebrows raised, questioning, judging me.

Nothing. I take a break. That’s all.

Published by Nithya Sashi

I am a Learning Experience professional, blogger, book reviewer, and bestselling author. I am based out of Chennai. I share my space with Tara, my beautiful baby and my family. The Kamin's Daughter is my latest book. Have you read Once Upon a Reunion or Four blocks wide or Legal Bond (now available on Pratilipi)? Check out news on my books on my website.

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